Sunday, October 6, 2019

One page reflection on the learning outcomes Coursework

One page reflection on the learning outcomes - Coursework Example The fin geometry has significant impact on the performance of a car radiator. There are four major geometric flow configurations for radiators. The geometry of the fin determines the amount of heat lost from the car engine to the atmosphere and hence determines the performance of a car radiator. Car radiator normally uses crossflow two-stream geometry. The heat transfer performance of a radiator can be determined by calculating the number of Nusselts. The value of Nusselt number increases with increase in as the Reynolds number. The performance of the heat exchanger increases with increase in the number of Nusselts. As such, the number of Nusselts is directly proportional to the performance of the heat exchanger. This assignment is makes an invaluable contribution to the UniSA graduate qualities by equipping the graduates with essential knowledge for manufacturing radiators, particularly car radiators and developing innovative ideas to improve the radiator, which is one of the most crucial components of the car

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